Hu Yan
He obtained a Ph.D. in engineering from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in July 2017. He has long been engaged in the research of Web service recommendation technology and industrial control system intrusion detection technology, and has achieved innovative research results. He has published more than 10 academic papers, including 1 paper in SCI area 1, 1 paper in SCI area 2, CCF B Two conference papers, two papers from China's first-level journals, and several papers from EI. Main research directions: personalized service recommendation, AI-based industrial control system intrusion detection.
2011.09-2017.07 Ph.D. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Institute of Software)
2015.09-2016.10 Doctoral Joint Training Wayne State University, USA
2007.09-2011.07 Bachelor Xi'an Jiaotong University
1. Yan Hu, Qimin Peng, Xiaohui Hu. "Time-Aware and Data Sparsity Tolerant Web Service Recommendation Based on Improved Collaborative Filtering". IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC, SCI Area 1), 2015, 8 (5), 782 -794.
2. Yan Hu, Weisong Shi, Hong Li and Xiaohui Hu. “Mitigating Data Sparsity Using Similarity Reinforcement Enhanced Collaborating Filtering”. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology. (TOIT 2017, SCI Second District)
3. Yan Hu, Qimin Peng, Xiaohui Hu, Rong Yang. "Web Service Recommendation Based on Time Series Forecasting and Collaborative Filtering". IEEE 22nd International Conference on Web Service (ICWS Research Track), June 27-July 2, 2015, New York, NY, USA. (CCF B, Core A)
4. Yan Hu, Qimin Peng, Xiaohui Hu. "A Time-Aware and Data Sparsity Tolerant Approach for Web Service Recommendation". IEEE 21st International Conference on Web Service (ICWS Research Track), June 27-July 2, 2014, Alaska, USA. (CCF B, Core A)
5. Yan Hu, Qimin Peng, Xiaohui Hu, Rong Yang. "Personalized QoS Prediction Using Time Series Forecasting and Collaborative". International Journal of Services Computing, 2016. (EI International Journal)
6. Hu Yan, Peng Qiming, Hu Xiaohui. "A Personalized Web Service Recommendation Method Based on Implicit Semantic Probability Model". Computer Research and Development, 2014, 51 (8): 1781-1793. (EI, China First-Class Journal )
7. Yan Hu, Qimin Peng, Xiaohui Hu. "An Effective Automatic Update Approach for Web Service Recommender Systems Based on Feedforward-Feedback Control Theory". 2014 International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Information Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI'14), September 28-30, 2014, Beijing, China. (EI)
8. Yan Hu, Qimin Peng, Xiaohui Hu. "A Novel Multilayered Context Awareness Technology for Internetware Evolution". 1st International Workshop on Crowd-Based Software Development Methods and Technologies (CrowdSoft'14), Novermber 17, 2014, HongKong, China. (EI)
9. Rong Yang, Bin Li, Yan Hu. An Experimental Study for Intelligent Logistics: A Middleware Approach. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2016, 25 (3): 561-569. (SCI)
10. Rong Yang, Bin Li, Jian Wang, Zengyang Li, Yan Hu. Reusing Service Process Fragments with a Consensus between Service Providers and Users. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2016, 25 (4): 648-657. (SCI)
11. Hu Yan, Yang An, Mei Wenming, Dai Zhong, Li Hong, Sun Yuyan, Sun Limin. "Overview of Industrial Control System Intrusion Detection." 2017 Academic Exchange Meeting of the Electric Power System Automation Special Committee of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering
12. Yang An, Hu Yan, Zhou Liang, Zheng Weimin, Shi Zhiqiang, Sun Limin. "Industrial Control Anomaly Detection Algorithm Based on Information Flow and State Flow Fusion". Computer Research and Development 2017 (EI, China First-Class Journal). Accepted
In 2017, won the "Dean's Excellence Award" scholarship of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
In 2017, he was awarded the title of outstanding graduate of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
A personalized service recommendation system and method based on implicit semantic probability model. Patent number: 201310392446.9.
A layered situational awareness method for network software architecture evolution. Patent number: 201310078572.7.