Huang Qiming
Huang Qiming, associate professor and master tutor at the University of Science and Technology Beijing, Ph.D. in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, postdoctoral in the Department of Computer Science at Zhejiang University, associate researcher at the School of Computer Science at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, and visiting scholar at the University of Hong Kong. At the Jitong College of University of Science and Technology Beijing, carry out the future Internet of Things, cloud computing encryption authentication and authorization, blockchain smart contracts, data privacy protection, and deep learning-based computer video classification, network intrusion detection. Applications in fields such as smart cities, industrial Internet, health and medical information systems, and Internet of Vehicles. He has published more than 50 academic papers, of which more than 20 have been collected by SCI and EI, 1 collection of essays, 1 co-author, and 4 textbooks. Teaching courses such as data structure and algorithm analysis, mobile Internet, communication network security foundation, modern communication security foundation, computer network, software engineering, computer introduction and programming.
[1] Huang Qiming, “Reveal the key factors in affacting the spoc-supported course: Data and survey analysis for data structures course in USTB”, IEEE 16th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2016.
[2] X. Jiang, Q. Huang, "Efficiently preserving the privacy of the semantic routing in Named Data Network", the 32th International conference on advanced and trusted computing, 2015.
[3] X. Jiang, Q. Huang, "Protect the Semantic Network Identity: Attribute-based Searchable Encryption over Routing in Name Data Network", Inter. Conf. on Network Security and Comm. Engineering, 2014.
[4] X. Chen, Q. Huang, "The data protection of MapReduce using homomorphic encryption", 4th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS), 2013.
[5] F. Nzanywayingoma, Q. Huang, "Securable Personal Health Records using Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Encryption", IEEE 14th International Conference on e-health Networking, Applications and Services, 2012.
[6] Q. Huang, X. Yang, S. Li, "Identity Authentication and Context Privacy Preservation in Wireless
Health Monitoring System", International Journal of Computer Network and Information
Security, 2011, 3.
[7] Q. Huang, "Game Theory", Sciyo Publishing, 2010.
[8] Q.Huang, Q.Yang, J.Huang, M.Ng, “Mining of web page visiting patterns with Continuous-time Markov models”, the Eighth Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD04), Sydney, Australia, 2004.
[9] Huang Qiming, Variable size design of LOM rapid prototyping grid, Journal of Computer Aided Design and Graphics, 2000, 3.
[10] Huang Qiming, Viscose deformation model and correction in LOM forming, Manufacturing Technology and Machine Tool, 2000, 1.
Presided over or participated in a number of vertical topics such as the National Natural Fund, Provincial (municipal) Natural Fund, China Postdoctoral Fund, and horizontal topics such as telecom operators, and presided over school-level undergraduate and graduate education programs. At the University of Science and Technology Beijing, he is mainly engaged in 5G, Internet of Things, cloud computing, industrial Internet, medical and health information system certification and authorization, big data privacy protection, medical image classification based on deep learning, network intrusion detection, etc.; in the Department of Computer Science, Zhejiang University During the post-doctoral mobile station, engaged in computer-aided innovation artificial intelligence research; during the visit to the University of Hong Kong, engaged in web page data mining and data warehouse technology research in web logs; during the work in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, engaged in telecommunication operation support system customer relations Research on data mining, network management fault diagnosis, network service quality.
Won the first prize of the Ganzhou Middle School Mathematics Competition; instructed the school-level undergraduate science and technology innovation project to win the second prize; participated in the Gallup Strength Finder test, the top 7 discoverable advantages are learning, analysis, thinking, philosophy, review , Responsibility, Bole.