Yao Xuanxia
2002.3-Current: Lecturer and Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Science and Technology Beijing;
2012.9-2013.8: Visiting scholar, Temple University, USA;
2004.9-2009.1: PhD student, Department of Computer Science, University of Science and Technology Beijing;
1999.9-2002.3: Department of Computer Science, University of Science and Technology Beijing, master's degree;
1994.7-1999.8: Luoyang Mining Machinery Engineering Design and Research Institute, assistant engineer;
1990.9-1994.7: Department of Computer Science, Jiangsu University, undergraduate.
[1] Xuanxia Yao,, Xinlei Zhang, Huansheng Ning, Pengjian Li. Using trust model to ensure reliable data acquisition in VANETs, Ad Hoc Networks, 2017, (55): 107-118.
[2] Xuanxia. Yao, Zhi. Chen, Ye. Tian, A lightweight attribute-based encryption scheme for the Internet of Things, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2015, (49): 104-112.
[3] Xuanxia. Yao, Hong. Liu, Huansheng. Ning, L. T. Yang, Y. Xiang, Anonymous Credential-Based Access Control Scheme for Clouds, IEEE CLOUD COMPUTING, 2015, (15): 34-43.
[4] Xuanxia. Yao, Xiaoguang. Han, Xiaojiang. Du, Xianwei. Zhou, A Lightweight Multicast Authentication Mechanism for Small Scale IoT Applications, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2013, 13(10): 3693-3701.
[5] Xuanxia. Yao, Xiaoguang. Han, Xiaojiang. Du, A light-weight certificate-less public key cryptography scheme based on ECC, The 23rd International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN), 2014.8.4-2014.8.7 .
[6] Xuanxia. Yao, Xiaoguang. Han, Xiaojiang. Du, A lightweight access control mechanism for mobile cloud computing, IEEE INFOCOM 2014-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops, 2014.4.27-2014.5.4.
[7] Xuanxia Yao; Xianwei Zhou; Xiaojiang Du A lightweight dynamic multicast authentication scheme, 2014 9th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM). 2014.8.
[8] Li Feng, Xuanxia Yao, RFID System Mutual Authentication Protocols Based on ECC, 2015 IEEE 12th Intl. Conf. on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, on Autonomic and Trusted Computing and. on Scalable Computing and Communications and its Associated Workshops (UIC- ATC-ScalCom). 2015.8. 1644 – 1649.
[9] Peng Geng, Xuanxia Yao, Xiaojiang Du, A Task Scheduling Algorithm for Multi-core Processors, 2013 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies, 2013.12.
[10] Han Xiaoguang, Yao Xuanxia, Qu Wu, Guo Changyou, An Annotation Method for Malicious Code Family Based on Image Texture Clustering, Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), 2014.10, 15(5):440-449.
Representative works:
[1] Yao Xuanxia, Liu Zhenhua, Wu Tao. Network Security Technology and Application, China Railway Publishing House, December 2012.
Research projects:
[1] Key Laboratory of Information Network Security, Ministry of Public Security, C16601, Research on Wearable Device Data Acquisition and Analysis Technology, 2016-2018, in research, presided over;
[2] National Natural Science Foundation of China General Project, 61471035, Research on Modeling and Privacy Protection of Physical Objects in the Internet of Things, 2015/01-2019/12, in research, participating.
Horizontal items:
[1] Research on privacy issues in spatiotemporal object identification analysis, 2014-2015 has been completed, participate;
[2] QAR big data management platform, 2016-2017, completed, chaired;
[3] Research on Big Data Governance Promotion Strategy, 2017-2018, in research, presided over.