Wang Zheng
2013.09-2018.01 PhD, School of Software, Tsinghua University
2009.09-2011.07 Master, Department of Computer Science, Beijing Jiaotong University
2005.09-2009.07 Bachelor Beijing Jiaotong 2013.09-2018.01 PhD School of Software, Tsinghua University
2009.09-2011.07 Master, Department of Computer Science, Beijing Jiaotong University
2005.09-2009.07 Bachelor, Department of Computer Science, Beijing Jiaotong University
•Zheng Wang, Xiaojun Ye, Chaokun Wang, etc. RSDNE: Exploring Relaxed Similarity and Dissimilarity from Completely-imbalanced Labels for Network Embedding. (AAAI 18). CCF-A类.
•Zheng Wang, Chaokun Wang, Jisheng Pei, Xiaojun Ye. Multiple Source Detection without Knowing the Underlying Propagation Model. In Proceedings of the 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 17). CCF-A类.
•Zheng Wang, Chaokun Wang, Jisheng Pei, Xiaojun Ye, and Philip S. Yu. Causality Based Propagation History Ranking in Social Networks. In Proceedings of the 25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 16). CCF-A类.
•Zheng Wang, Yao Zhao, Shikui Wei. Semi-supervised learning with density-sensitive manifold graph. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 10).
•Huawei Tian, Yao Zhao, Zheng Wang, etc. Robust Multi-Bit Watermarking for Free-View Television Using Light Field Rendering. IEICE Transactions 96-D(12): 2820-2829 (2013)
Vertical project:
[1] 2019 Macao Young Scholars
[2] 2019 National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund
[3] First-class funding for postdoctoral fellows in 2018;
[4] 2018 central basic business expenses