Wang Zhiming
Born in 1968, a native of Xia County, Shanxi. He received a bachelor's degree in semiconductor physics and devices from Xi'an Jiaotong University in July 1990, a master's degree in computer applications from Beijing Jiaotong University in March 2000, and a doctorate degree in computer applications from Tsinghua University in July 2003. Since August 2003, he has been teaching at the University of Science and Technology Beijing. He is currently an associate professor and master tutor in the Department of Computer Science, School of Information, University of Science and Technology Beijing.
1. WANG Zhiming, BAO Hong, ZHANG Li, Anisotropic Diffusion Based on Directional Consistency, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent System (ICIS2010), Xiamen, China, 29-31, Oct. 2010.
2. WANG Zhiming, ZHANG Li, BAO Hong, PNN Based Motion Detection with Adaptive Learning Rate, 2009 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, Beijing, China, Dec. 11~14, 2009.
3. Wang Zhiming, Zhang Li, Image Diffusion with Local Structure Adaptive, Acta Automatica Sinica, 2009, 35(3): 244~250. (EI Compendex: 20091512029545)
4. Wang Zhiming, Zhang Li, Adaptive fast non-local image denoising algorithm, Chinese Journal of Image and Graphics, 2009, 14(3): 83~89.
5. WANG Zhi-ming, ZHANG Li, An Adaptive Fast Non Local Image Denoising Algorithm, Journal of Image and Graphics, 2009, 14(3): 83~89.
6. Wang Zhiming, Zhang Li, Wang Lijun, Container number recognition based on one-way split and merge image segmentation, Chinese Journal of Image and Graphics, 2007, 12(3): 450~455.
7. Wang Zhiming, Tao Jianhua. A Fast Implementation of Adaptive Histogram Equalization, ICSP 2006, 8th International Conference on Signal Processing, Vol. II, 1330~1333, Nov. 16~20, 2006, Gunlin, China.
8. Wang Zhiming, Cai Lianhong, Ai Haizhou, Automatic estimation of speech and visual parameters, Computer Research and Development, 2005, 42(7): 1185~1190.
9. Wang Zhiming, Cai Lianhong, Ai Haizhou, Text-To-Visual Speech in Chinese Based on Data-Driven Approach, Journal of Software, 2005, 16(6): 1054~1063.
10. Wang Zhiming, Cai Lianhong, Dynamic speech viseme model and its parameter estimation, Journal of Software, 2003, 14(3): 461~466.
Director of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, "Research on Human Body Detection Technology Based on Visible Light and Infrared Dual Mode Video Fusion", person in charge;
Fundamental Research Fund for Central Universities, "Research on Image Restoration Algorithms Based on Partial Differential Equations", person in charge.
Invention patent: A locally adaptive image diffusion method, December 2010.
Software copyright: Clear Image Recovery System V1.0, April 2011.